Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ode to Jo(nn)y

Dear Jon,

I will be showing up on your Texan doorstep in no less than three months. Get yourself and Charlie ready for some foolishly fantastic behavior.




The day has finally come. I've been attempting to suppress the dreaded thought for weeks but I can no longer deny the fact that my little homeboy is moving fah, fah fah away from heeya tomorrow. Who is this young sprite that has become such a bosom buddy?

Let me just tell you.

Jon (on the left) and his best bud Charlie on the first day of their three day suicide mission.

He's the type of man who plans a vacation flying out of LA, to Egypt, to Paris and then to Pamplona only to repeat that same trip the very next calendar year. Hey, and while he's at it, why not cut it down from two weeks to three days. Why you ask? Because he wants to make sure that the flag from the college he dropped out of is flown in every momentous photo. TCU. Go Frogs. On the flight home, he may or may not charm the wings off a few flight attendants in an attempt (and success) to give him as much alcohol as he pleases, with the end result resembling something like this excellence below:

But I'm le tired.

He's the type of man that moves to LA with the sole mission of finding the best burger in town. When it comes to this hunt, I've been his Bonnie on more occasions than I care to discuss. He also has enough testosterone soaring through his veins to visit the drugstore before a trip to a burger joint...only to purchase nasal spray so he can "savor the flavor to the fullest." Oh yeah, I was privy to that gem of a statement last week. He's a Texas man, ladies and gents. A Houston boy.

If I don't answer his phone calls, he sends me sweet nothings such as "You're fixin' to be dead to me" and the like. He has no intention of ever putting the words "you" and "guys" back to back. "Hey you guys?" Blesphemy. Y'all should save some of your precious life.

This man also has more toys at the age of 27 then most of you will have in your entire lifetime. Let's start with his car. The Infinity G37 is a sweet sweet piece of work. I have come to find tremendous joy riding with Jon. I'm still not exactly sure if it's because I feel like I'm always on the verge of death due to his stuntman antics and thus feel closer to God than ever before or if I'm just a sucker for a hot ride. Either way, I can really only liken sitting shotgun with him to flying co-pilot with Captain Kirk on the Starship Enterprise. If tire pressure is low, the computer screen will not only tell you, but eases your internal woes merely by the soothing tone of her hypnotic voice. Everything electronic is hooked up via futuristic wireless configurations that have only been seen in such films as Minority Report and Total Recall. And Buttons? Buttons are a true thing of the past. Want to call Mom? "Call mom." Ok car computer. You.are.tight.

Vintage motorcycle from Australia? Sure. He's got it.

Jet Blue unlimited pass? But of course, he has his weekends free.


He is a self made man and sold his company before he moved to Venice to work for free at Falling Whistles. He got an incredible job offer in Austin and he couldn't turn it down. And we couldn't blame him.

He's approachable, one of the funniest kids I know and also one of the smartest. He once told me that when he found out he'd be working with female interns he'd just come to accept the fact that he'd have to start farting in front of girls. GLORY. I can really get behind confidence like that.

I feel blessed to have met him. I realize that this diatribe might seem a bit much, but I adore my friends and when they go away, I have to hash it out somewhere. If you are close to me, I assure you I could spill something like this (probably even longer) in no time flat. Jon isn't close to many people. So when he tells me that out of all the people he's met in California since he's been out here, (quite a few, I can assure you) I am the only one he will stay in contact with (give or take a few interns), I know I have made a trury speciar bond.

So here's to Jon.
Thanks for the laughs, the funs, the patties, the buns. The brews, the talks, those cowboy walks. The lower lip pouts and the tipsy shouts. Drive safe young buck, goodnight and good luck.